People often associate wallpapers as old-fashioned designs - but we believe, if used in the right way, wallpapers can be contemporary and exciting!
Here are a few spaces that we think incorporate wallpapers perfectly!
Devon & Devon
Credit: TattaHome
We absolutely love this wallpaper called Casablanca by Devon & Devon. The muted colour palette compliments the warmth of the timber tones and mustard armchairs. It is definitely a great tip to figure out the ‘theme’ of your space, and understand what atmosphere you are trying to create!
2. 128 - Notting Hill
Surprise! This space was designed by yours truly.
Focused on creating a charming and cozy atmosphere, we opted for unique wallpapers such as this Savuti Wallpaper from Cole & Son! It is such a nice contrast in colour to the rest of the spaces; and this is somewhat of a motif, where jumps of rich colours are injected into the space.
3. Drop It Modern
Credit: Drop It Modern
In this space, more eclectic pieces are chosen (that are in their own ways contemporary pieces of art and form) such as this Azteca Wallpaper from Drop It Modern. Notice how there are no sideboards or consoles against the wallpapered wall as this is the main piece!
4. Ananbô
Credit: Ananbô Instagram
If you have some sort of panelling on your walls - no fear! You can still install wallpaper into your space. Try this Udaisagar Wallpaper from Ananbô! Also a perfect idea if you don’t want to commit to an entire wall.