Nudes designs Cardboard Cafe in Mumbai

Mumbai based Architecture studio Nudes, recently pulled off the first cardboard inspired cafe. Elements such as the walls, furniture and lampshades, were all precision cut from the biodegradable material. Several layers of this material were cut to produce curved, flowing shapes that extend from the walls. The tables were impregnated with a wax treatment to protect it from spillages and make them easier to clean. A technique of stacking cut pieces of cardboard, increases the strength of the material, which was used when designing the chairs. 

This is such an innovative and creative design, that has found a way to make use of a sustainable material in an amazing way. We all know how cardboard can be, so it was inevitable that they ran into some complications "Building with cardboard meant constant exploration and inquiry into material performance," however they have definitely pulled it off.

Founder of Nudes- Nuru Karim, wanted to showcase how versatile cardboard can be and is hoping for this project to start a dialogue on design’s role in a sustainable future.
