TiglO is a product offered to selected clients. The igloos seat up to eight people and provide a unique customer experience.
There are 4 trends, which are of importance:
We all love the beauty of nature .In an ideal world we could be sitting outside in the mountains surrounded by snow, without having to freeze or sitting in the sun without having to sweat.
Nowadays people don’t go out just because of the food, they want to have an experience.
Experiences are worth nothing, if they can’t be shared with friends and family or on social media. It is therefore crucial to create a design that is worth sharing and easy to capture in one photo, that then goes global.
In times of a pandemic where restaurants have massive restriction. Tiglo offers a Covid free dining experience
Outside, but inside one can enjoy marvellous views without being dependent on the weather. The structure stays, the design concept changes seasonally.